Host Your Newsletter Site on Your Domain

A minimalist SEO-friendly site template for your newsletter with an auto-updating archive. Even host it for free on Netlify.

Get Complete Control Over Your Newsletter Site

Custom Domain

It runs on your domain and you reap the SEO benefits. Let your past issues attract new readers for you.


Put your newsletters online so your audience can find you via SEO. Integrates with your email provider - no boring copy and pasting for you.

Self-Hosted - No Monthly Fees

Never lose your site. And don't worry, self-hosting is not scary. I make it easy to host your site on Netlify for free.

Full Customization

Easy customize your site using properties or you can go wild and change the HTML and CSS.

Non-Tech Friendly

You can use and customize the template without being a programmer.

The Technology Details

Static Site using Gridsome

The template uses Gridsome to generate a static site for your newsletter. It auto-fetchs all past issue via the email provider's API.

  • Gridsome
  • Tailwind for CSS
  • Update Archive via Hook (on Netlify & Co)

Email Integration

The template fetchs all your newsletters directly from your email provider. Supported are:

  • EmailOctopus
  • Mailchimp (coming soon)

Get the template now with a huge early supporter discount

Get the template with free updates for a single payment of 10$ excl. Eu Vat.

Yes, it is a one-time fee, not another monthly subscription.

What you get:

  • Full source code of the template (Access to the Github repository)
  • Easy way to deploy your site on Netlify (Free hosting)
  • Use it on unlimited newsletter sites as long as you own them
  • Free updates (only for early supporters)

*My order process is conducted by my online reseller is the Merchant of Record for all our orders. Paddle provides all customer service inquiries and handles returns. Price on this page is excluding EU Vat if applicable.

Contact Me

Got questions, feedback or want me to set up your site, fill out the form and I'll get back to you asap.